Genetic Research Services are always looking at ways to expand and improve our services. With our experience, resources and expertise we may also be able to assist you in other ways. Please contact us to discuss any additional services that we may be able to offer or look into providing that would help with your research needs.

Please see the information below for some examples of the applications that our CE DNA analysis services in particular can assist with.


Transgene Het/Hom Genotyping Service

Further information on this service can be located by clicking on the link above


Microsatellite/STR Panels


Microsatellite markers and Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) are often used in PCR panels to study population genetics and for DNA identification of individual organisms (DNA profiling or DNA fingerprinting). These panels greatly benefit from the added accuracy, sensitivity, speed, and multiplexing benefits of capillary electrophoresis.


GRS has over 15 years of experience optimising microsatellite panels, performing capillary separation, and analysing the results for a variety of animals such as horses, sharks, and manta rays.


If you are currently using or considering using a microsatellite/STR panel please contact us to discuss how we can assist with data acquisition and analysis.


SNaPshot Multiplex SNP Detection


Up to 10 SNPs can be detected simultaneously using the SNaPshot multiplexing method available from Applied Biosystems. This method allows for rapid screening of a panel of SNPs in a high number of samples for projects such as population genetics and profiling. Please contact us if you are considering utilising SNaPshot PCR in you project.


Bacterial 16S Testing


Our bacterial 16S test detects the presence of the 16S ribosomal subunit gene which is highly conserved in the genomes of many different strains of bacteria. This test can be useful for applications such as detection of bacterial contamination in faecal samples from germ-free mice in gnotobiotic facilities and for monitoring of sterile environments.

Positive 16S results can also be investigated to try and identify the bacterial strain via further 16S sequencing and comparison to online databases.    

For more information about 16S testing please contact us.