Rederivation from cryopreserved/thawed embryos

Many mouse strains/lines are cryopreserved as embryos to preserve the line without maintenance breeding, to serve as a backup against a potential pathogen outbreak and to transfer strains between facilities/institutions.

When lines need to be rederived from cryopreserved stocks, embryos are thawed, cultured and then transferred in to pseudopregnant females.

Read more about rederivation from cryopreserved/thawed embryos.

Rederivation from live mice/fresh embryos

The rederivation of mouse lines through embryo transfer is used to establish Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) mice from mice of any compromised health status. Pre-implantation embryos are produced via IVF then transferred into pseudopregnant females in an SPF facility.

Read more about rederivation from live mice/fresh embryos.