TASQ contacts
General enquiries
UQ Biological Resources TASQ email address: tasq@uq.edu.au
Please use this address for all correspondence with UQ Biological Resources TASQ concerning researcher and strain information.
Cryopreservation/Rederivation Officer:
Tracy Doan t.doan1@uq.edu.au
Imports and Export Officer:
Tracy Doan br.importexport@uq.edu.au
Elizabeth Williams
+61 7 3346 3468
0433 903 511
Research Assistants:
Sue Raboczyj
+61 7 3346 3468
Danielle Little
+61 7 3346 3468
TASQ Postal address
Transgenic Animal Service of Queensland
Biological Resources
AIBN Building #75
The University of Queensland
St Lucia, Qld 4072
Telephone: +61 7 3346 3468
Facsimile: +61 7 3346 3973